During a seemingly ordinary day in Tokyo, demonic clouds gather overhead, laughter echoing down from the heavens. In a nearby university, Mia is working on her grandfather's computer. Her grandfather is worried because the Ronin armors havevanished, meaning Lord Talpa, whom he has researched for years as a folklorist, could be preparing to return. Meanwhile, Yuli and his parents are out shopping when Yuli almost runs into a large white tiger known as White Blaze, who licks his face. Thesmile of Ryo, the tiger's master, does not make Yuli's parents any less frightened for their child's life. Then the media arrive, with reports of a tiger in the city streets. Mia's grandfather recognizes Ryo as a Ronin Warrior by his association with WhiteBlaze, who formerly belonged to the Ancient some four hundred years earlier. As Mia drives into the city to retrieve Ryo, all technology in the city dies, and Mia is forced to steal a police bicycle to find Ryo. In the panic of the crowd, Yuli loses hisparents. Suddenly, a demon warrior appears behind Ryo. White Blaze warns Ryo, and the demon warrior nearly misses with hisscythe, scratching open Ryo's shirt to reveal his body armor. Ryo begins ineffectively attacking the warrior, while Yuli, lookingfor his parents, wanders into the battlezone, and is almost killed, but he is saved by Mia. Ryo is soon joined by Rowen of Strata,who saves his life. They are joined by Kento of Hardrock, Cye of the Torrent, and Sage of the Halo. While the five warriorscombat the soldier, Mia explains to Yuli about Talpa and the Ronin Warriors. Failing to affect the soldier, the Ronin Warriors puton their Ronin armors. The soldier captures Mia and Yuli, placing them inside a giant television screen, and demonstrates thatany damage inflicted on him is felt by Mia and Yuli. Ryo sheathes his swords, allowing himself to be caught by the soldier'schain and smashed against the ground several times. As the soldier begins to turn away, thinking he's won, Ryo stands, searingwith heat. He calls upon his sure-kill, "Flare Up Now", and decimates the soldier, not to mention slicing a huge path straightthrough the nearby building. Mia and Yuli are freed and caught by White Blaze. After a very short celibration, Anubis and theother Dark Warlords introduce themselves from high atop nearby buildings. After warning the Ronin Warriors that they willreturn, they streak into the sky. Talpa's castle forms in the dark clouds over the city.
Episode 2. Glory for Anubis
Satellite photos reveal a blank circle where Talpa's castle has appeared. Helicopters try to fly in, but are shut down anddestroyed, as technology does not work in the presence of the Dynasty. In Talpa's castle, Talpa interrupts the Dark Warlords'discussion of caution and cowardice to order Anubis to capture Mia and Yuli as hostages to use against the Ronin Warriors.Above the subway, Sage and Rowen talk about the Dynasty, while below, Mia, Yuli, Ryo, Cye, and Kento all introduce eachother. As Sage and Rowen join the others underground, Talpa uses the weapons of attacking tanks and jets against each other.Mia watches the futile attacks, making it obvious she knows what she's talking about. White Blaze suddenly warns the RoninWarriors that Anubis is approaching. The Dark Warlord breaks through the ground, revealing the hidden Ronin Warriors. Thefive heroes use their armors to form the Circle of Power to protect Mia and Yuli while they futilely combat the fully armoredAnubis. Suddenly, the Ancient, from atop a nearby building, throws down his staff, dissipating the Circle of Power andallowing the Ronin Warriors to armor up. After battling the five Ronin Warriors together briefly, Anubis begins to combat Ryoalone. Taking the brunt of Anubis' Quake with Fear, Ryo immediately releases a Flare Up Now, damaging Anubis and knockingRyo unconscious, one of his katana falling to the ground below. Just as the five Ronin powers begin to unite, Talpa dispatches ablack tornado, which scatters the Ronin Warriors in five directions.
Episode 3. Secret of Wildfire
Mia and Yuli climb out from the rubble that served as their beds for the night, and find the katana Ryo had dropped. White Blazearrives and gets Mia and Yuli to follow him. Deep inside Mount Fuji, Ryo slowly awakens, finding himself face-first in a pit oflava. In the Dynasty's temple, the Dark Warlords taunt Anubis about the fact that he couldn't win against the Ronin Warriors,and that Talpa had to do the job for him. They are interrupted by an angry Talpa, telling them that as long as the wearers of theRonin armors are still alive, he cannot use the armors for his own evil deeds. He watches as Mia, riding on White Blaze, andYuli, holding onto White Blaze's tail, being pulled on his skateboard, travel to Mount Fuji in search of Ryo, and dispatchesAnubis to stop them. Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze, are chased by Anubis and a horde of demon soldiers, and are saved by theAncient, who appears and throws his staff infront of the army, splitting the earth open. As Mia and Yuli discover Mia's jeep,now working thanks to the Ancient's magic, Anubis climbs out of the rift and follows them to Mount Fuji. Ryo climbs out of thevolcano, only to find Anubis waiting for him. During the ensuing fight, White Blaze gives Ryo his second sword. The twowarriors combat until Anubis foolishly knocks Ryo into the volcano, where he becomes supercharged from the volcano's heat.Realizing he's made a mistake, Anubis grabs nearby Mia and Yuli as hostages and throws them into the volcano. Ryo dives inafter them, but his armor is so hot that he must remove it to prevent incinerating Mia and Yuli. Without his armor, Ryo catchesthem and take them back up to the top, only to be ensnared by Anubis' chain. After smashing Ryo repeatedly against several rocksurfaces, Anubis tosses Ryo into the volcano, sure that without his armor, Ryo can not survive. Suddenly, Ryo wakes up andpulls Anubis into the volcano with him. Ryo calls upon his armor, breaks Anubis' scythe, and burns Anubis a great deal beforeTalpa whisks Anubis back to his temple for a stern lecture. Back with Mia and Yuli, Ryo agrees that Mia and her grandfathermay be able to help find the four other Ronin Warriors.
Episode 4. The Search Begins
While the Dynasty herds souls into limbo, Anubis is being taunted by the other Dark Warlords when Talpa appears and ordersSekhmet to stop Ryo and his friends from whatever they might be planning. Ryo, Mia, and Yuli are driving to Professor Kochi'suniversity, White Blaze running behind them, unaware Sekhmet waits for them at the university. The three take a detour throughYuli's old neighborhood. Yuli looks at the dead plants in his house, and remembers his mother telling him she would water themevery day and they would never die. In a tear-jerking moment, Yuli waters the dead plants for his mother. Ryo walks in anddeclares, "Uh, it's kinda pointless to water plants when they're almost dead." Smooth, Ryo. Upon arrival at the university,Professor Kochi angrily dismisses Mia's questions about the Ronin Warriors and tells her humanity will die today. Lookingthrough a camera, Yuli sees suits of armor in the laboratory come to life. Ryo and White Blaze destroy the possessed suits ofarmor, and then finds Professor Kochi trying to kill Mia. Ryo deduces that the professor is possessed, and rushes to Mia's aid.He exorcises the demon by nearly killing the professor. Too much strain on his heart, Professor Kochi tells Mia that an ancientpoem in the computer will answer their questions, and then dies before he can tell her the code for the song. Ryo watches Miawork on the computer, trying to unlock the code, while White Blaze senses Sekhmet outside. Ryo follows the tiger's intuition,and begins battling Sekhmet, but performs poorly as a result of the Dark Warlord's apparent six arms. Just after Mia decodes thepoem, Sekhmet destroys the building. After they escape the falling building, Yuli shows Ryo a picture from the camera, whichshows that Sekhmet only moves his arms quickly. Ryo uses this knowledge to dodge the Dark Warlord's Snake Fang Strike,grab one of Sekhmet's swords, and defeat him using his own venom. Ryo, Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze drive off in search of thehiding places of the other Ronin Warriors.
Episode 5. Halo's Prison
The computer tells Mia to look for Sage in a nearby cave, once a place of meditation, and Mia, Yuli, Ryo, and White Blaze headto the cave, only to find that Sekhmet has beaten them to it. Ryo sends Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze into the cave while he fightsSekhmet outside. During the fight, poison from Sekhmet's blades blinds Ryo. White Blaze rushes out from the cave and carriesRyo deep into the cave. Ryo falls off a cliff and searches for Sage while Mia and Yuli are caught by Sekhmet. Ryo finds Sage,encased in a pillar of stone. Sekhmet arrives with Mia and Yuli, and utterly defeats the blind Ryo. Sage awakens and defeatsSekhmet. With his armor recharged, Sage uses the powers of light and life to restore Ryo's vision.
Episode 6. The Counterattack
Sage, Ryo, Mia, and Yuli are at the bridge of a sea which will create a whirlpool four times a day. Sage and Mia drive off to findRowen, leaving Ryo and Yuli to find Cye, who, according to the poem, will be near the whirlpool. Ryo dives in as Sekhmetwatches from the shore. Back in Talpa's castle, Anubis, Dais, and Cale watch on. When not teasing Anubis, Dais and Cale arepleading Talpa to let them have their chance. To Cale's delight, Talpa sends Cale to stop Sage and Mia. Underwater, Ryo isattacked by the demon soldiers. At the bottom, Cye lies in a bubble of air, guarded by a killer whale and other sea creatures. Ryoputs on the Wildfire armor, and Sekhmet attacks, using the combination of water and poison to disrupt the Wildfire armor. Ryofalls, and Sekhmet goes after Cye. Cye is awakened by Ryo's swords, pissed off that Sekhmet's poison has killed many of thesea creatures, and by the fact that Ryo's swords are there, but Ryo is nowhere to be seen. Cye uses his Super Wave Smasher onSekhmet, retrieves Ryo and brings him to the surface, and returns to the water to fight Sekhmet. The battle takes to the bridge,overturning a gasoline truck. White Blaze drags the unconscious Ryo to the burning gasoline. After Cye is hit by threeconsecutive Snake Fang Strikes, Ryo's awakening distracts Sekhmet, allowing Cye to draw upon his element. Sekhmet is hitsimultaneously by the Super Wave Smasher and Flare Up Now, sending him back to Talpa for a stern lecture.
Episode 7. Splitting the Stone
Mia and Sage drive to a mountain, watched by a pack of wolves and Cale. They stop the jeep when they can no longer drive, andbegin walking. Mia gets anrgy when Sage leaps onto a cliff she can't climb. Amused, he keeps going. Dark clouds form, and thewolves are about to attack Mia. Sage arrives in time to save her. They escape an avalanche caused by Cale, and retreat to thestone shrine that encases Kento. As Cale arrives, Sage armors up and unsuccessfully attempts to break the stone. This tells Calewhere Kento is, and Cale drives his sword into the stone, about to kill Kento. Sage attacks Cale, and he and Mia are thrown off acliff, landing in a cave behind a waterfall. The Ancient appears and speaks to Sage as he slowly awakens. While Sage meditateson the Ancient's words, Mia ventures out. She sees the Ancient walking away in the distance, and by calling for him to return,successfully attracts Cale's attention. He ties her up and drops her into the freezing water of the waterfall. Sage becomes alert andrushes to her aid. Cale freezes the waterfall, but Sage learns to use more power, and not only frees himself, but also frees Kentofrom the stone. Cale is sent back to Talpa's castle.
Episode 8. Friend or Foe
Ryo, Cye, and Yuli travel to meet Kento, Sage, and Mia near a lake to find Rowen. In Talpa's castle, Dais is given his chance tostop the Ronin Warriors from becoming a team of five again. After Ryo, Cye, and Yuli arrive first, Dais appears infront of Yuli,and Ryo and Cye begin fighting him. Dais tells the two Ronin Warriors that he has captured Rowen, and disappears. Ryo andCye chase after him to find Rowen held captive by demon soldiers, when in fact it is a disguised Dais they see. Ryo and Cye seeeach other as Dais and begin fighting, knocking each other out with their sure-kill moves. Shortly after, Kento and Sage appear,and Dais uses the same illusion on them. Raising his sword to strike Kento, Sage sees Kento in the reflection on his swordinstead of Dais' illusion. He stops, and lets himself be blasted by Kento's sure-kill. Kento sees what he thought was Dais changeinto Sage, and is horrified that he injured his fellow Ronin Warrior. Kento sees Rowen is really Dais, and conquers him. Thatnight as the Ronin Warriors rest, Ryo sees a falling star, and realizes the reason they cannot find Rowen of Strata on earth isbecause he is in the heavens.
Episode 9. Wildfire in the Sky
The four Ronin Warriors and their friends Mia and Yuli camp out along the shore, pondering how to get Rowen. Ryo realizesthat Rowen may eventually wake up on his own as Ryo did, and Talpa will want to prevent that. In Talpa's castle, Talpa tells theDark Warlords of his plan to destroy Rowen. At the campsite, Ryo and White Blaze try to sneak off, but Kento catches themleaving, and insists that he come along. In the Dynasty's Nether Realm, the Dark Warlords watch the birth of the nether spirits,who will use their energies to kill Rowen. They use a building in the city to serve as a cannon barrel to shoot the evil energy theywill manipulate. Meanwhile, Sage and Cye follow Ryo and Kento, who are being attacked by demon soldiers. The DarkWarlords beg to go after Ryo and Kento, but Talpa does not allow them to, in fear they will disturb the launching of the energysphere about to be launched by the nether spirits. The giant sphere shoots into the sky, being watched by the Ancient. TheAncient uses his staff to knock the ball from the sky into the ocean. Ryo plans to ride the next energy sphere into the heavens toreach Rowen. The cannon is again powered up, and Anubis arrived to stop Kento and Ryo, who are now inside the building.Ryo and Kento escape as the cannon is fired, and Anubis becomes supercharged with evil. No match for the Dark Warlord, Ryohops onto the skybound ball, only to sink into it. Kento is joined by Sage and Cye, while Talpa is intruiged with Anubis' newpower.
Episode 10. In the Sea of the Sky
Kento, Sage, and Cye are busy fighting demon soldiers, while in Talpa's castle, Anubis tells Talpa that without a fair fight theirvictory will mean nothing. When Anubis tells Talpa not to be a fool, he is severely punished. In space, Ryo blows up the hugesphere with a Flare Up Now, and the Wildfire armor forms a small energy bubble around Ryo to protect him from the void ofspace. Ryo drifts helplessly toward Rowen, protected by his own bubble. Rowen awakens and brings Ryo into his bubble. Inhis element, Rowen takes them earthward. The forehead virtues of Ryo, Rowen, Kento, Sage, and Cye begin to glow as Rowenuses his powers. In Talpa's castle, Anubis is hit with a wave of pain through his head as, unknown to him, his forehead virtue,loyalty, glows. Anubis knows Ryo and Rowen are responsible for his pain, silently armors up, and sets out for Ryo andRowen. As Ryo and Rowen land, Rowen not remembering what happened, Anubis appears. In the ensuing battle, Ryo isknocked out. But instead of killing the helpless warrior, Anubis refuses to strike a helpless foe, and ponders his hesitation.Rowen launches an Arrow Shock Wave at Anubis, calling out to Anubis. Anubis catches the arrow in mid-flight, just as thearrowhead splits his helmet. Rowen is shocked to see that the Dark Warlord is as human as they are, not a spirit in an emptyarmor like the demon soldiers. Anubis charges Rowen, but is snatched up by Talpa for disobeying orders. Kento, Sage, and Cyearrive, and Rowen tries to imagine how a human could work for Talpa.
Episode 11. Assault on the Dynasty
The Ronin Warriors, still disturbed by Anubis' humanity, return to the city to find it deserted and covered with fog. They face awall of smoke, through which Kento drives a van. He gets out in the middle of the smoke, to be attacked by spiritual winds whoslam him out of the smoke, van ontop of him. They find one of the four giant gates which lead into the Nether World. Kentoopens the gate, and the Warriors decide the Nether World is too dangerous for Mia and Yuli, and tell them to stay behind. WhenYuli objects, Ryo slaps him, and Yuli runs off crying, Mia chasing after him, White Blaze chasing after her. The Ronin Warriorsstep through the gate. Inside, they discover that the spiritual winds are actually the nether spirits. Dais attacks, and the RoninWarriors discover the music played by the nether spirits prevents them from suiting up in their armor. Dais captures the five inhis Web of Deception. Meanwhile, Mia has found Yuli, who has calmed down and understands why Ryo did it. White Blaze,beside Mia, senses that Ryo is in danger, and draws their attention to the city on the other side of the gate, where the RonnWarriors are being held. Dais offers Ryo a place in the Dynasty, but Ryo refuses. Mia and Yuli try to pass through the gate, butare attacked by the spirits. The Ancient's staff appears, allowing the two to pass through the gates as Mia holds it. The music ofthe spirits stops, and the Ronin Warriors call on their armor. Ryo defeats Dais and apologizes to Yuli.
Episode 12. Shallow Darkness
Exhausted from their recent fights, the Ronin Warriors, Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze walking down a street, the sky overcast withdark clouds. Yuli notices the skateboard store he went to with his parents when he last saw them. He holds back his tears andruns ahead of the others, Mia chasing after him. Suddenly, demon soldiers burst through nearby store windows and surroundthe Ronin Warriors. Sage and Ryo, realizing Mia and Yuli are alone, yell for them to come back. Just as the Ronin Warriors areattacked, so are Mia and Yuli, but they are rescued by White Blaze. They flee into the subway, where there are even more demonsoldiers. Rowen comes to their aid, the other Ronin Warriors on his heels. As Talpa has invaded the city, he has gained controlof all its technology. Cars in the subway parking lot try to run them over. Ryo, Kento, and Cye destroy the cars while Ryo takesMia and Yuli deeper into the subway, only to be ambushed again. Mia and Yuli run as Ryo takes on the soldiers. Mia and Yulidodge a subway train, and Sage rescues them from a second. The three crawl through an air duct to escape the subway.Meanwhile, the other Ronin Warriors have called upon their armors, and Sage calls on his armor. Soon, Cale appears andchallenges Sage. As Cale begins using illusions and teleportation in his combat, Sage begins to lose. Cale finishes up with twosuccessive Black Lightning Slash sure- kills, knocking Sage out. Yuli takes the staff Mia had been carrying and throws it at Cale.When Cale attacks Yuli, Sage becomes enraged and drives Cale away.
Episode 13. Fate of the Ronin Armor
Kento walks alone down the subway when he is spooked by Rowen. In the Nether Realm, Talpa sends Dais to make Kentodoubt himself. In the subway, Kento and Rowen jump over oncoming subways, Rowen grabbing onto a ceiling pipe, Kentoriding a subway train away. Kento finds that the train is filled with demon soldiers, who he fights until the train hits a patch ofrocks, hurling Kento through space and time. He arrives in a parched land, with two ancient armies battling. As the armors of thefour Dark Warlords rise from the ground, Talpa tells Kento that all the Ronin armors belong to him, and that the Ancient stole thefive armors which are now worn by the Ronin Warriors. Talpa invites Kento to join the Dynasty, as the four other Ronin armorscome from the ground. When Kento refuses, he is attacked by the armors. He defeats them all, and Talpa points out how easy itis for Kento to turn to violence and evil. Kento realizes he has killed his friends, and leans over the body of Ryo, which turnsinto Dais. While Kento ends up driving Dais away, Kento suffers from severe self-doubt as he is haunted by Dais' images ofKento as a Dark Warlord. Talpa is happy, as he realizes that without slef- confidence, Kento can not call upon his armor. Back inthe Nether Realm, Dais becomes enraged when Talpa tells him that Anubis will follow up the next attack. Deep within the castle,Anubis, deep within a lava pit, screams in pain as demon prists above blast him with a barrage of lava and energy.
Episode 14. Armor of Life
While Anubis is being blasted by the nether spirits, Talpa tells Anubis that Anubis should have enough power to destroy theRonin Warriors. As the priests pour it on, Anubis suddenly absorbs the energy and blasts the priests. In a deserted amusementpark, Sage, Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze are attacked by demon soldiers. Ryo and Cye back them up, but they are forced to retreatinto the subway again. They meet up with Rowen and Kento, who is deeply depressed, afraid Dais was right after all. As Anubisshows up, supercharged and without a helmet, Kento is filled with even more doubts. The Ronin Warriors armor up, but Kentois unable to call upon the Hardrock armor. Anubis begins trashing the four Ronin Warriors, ignoring Kento. Anubis is about tofinish off Ryo, but hesitates once more. Yuli and White Blaze attack, to be backhanded away by Anubis. As Yuli has the windknocked out of him, Kento realizes that Yuli represents humanity, and humanity is worth fighting for. He calls upon Justice, andarmors up. Anubis overloads and passes out. As Talpa is about to bring Anubis back to the Nether Realm, the Ancientintercedes, bringing the unconscious Anubis into his arms.
Episode 15. The Ancient's Battle
In a park, Anubis lies on the ground as the Ancient tells the Ronin Warriors that Anubis' armor is the same of those the RoninWarriors wear, and was intended to be one of the Ronin Warriors. Anubis awakens, and the Ronin Warriors stand ready forbattle. The Ancient stops them, and takes Anubis aside to talk with him. The Ancient tells Anubis that his armor is a Roninarmor, intended to be one of the Ronin Warriors. To Anubis' surprise, the Ancient uses his staff to light up Anubis' foreheadvirtue, which, ironically enough, is loyalty. The Ancient tells Anubis he has a choice to make. In the Nether Realm, Talpa fumesabout the situation. He takes out his anger on the three Dark Warlords before dispatching them to fetch Anubis. Before given achance to decide his fate, Anubis is approached by the Dark Warlords. They assume his hesitation and vague responses meanthat he has defected from their side, and attack. Anubis weakly defends himself and begins to lose, when the Ronin Warriorscome to his aid, fighting the Dark Warlords. The Ancient points out to Anubis that the Ronin Warriors are fighting for his sake.Suddenly, Talpa whisks Anubis, Sekhmet, Dais, and Cale back to the Nether Realm. Anubis tries to get the other three DarkWarlords to realize they are being used only to use the armors, but he is thrown into the dungeon for such blasphemy. The RoninWarriors decide they must find a way into Talpa's castle to rescue Anubis. Talpa decides it is time to dispose of the Ancient, andthe two archenemies clash on earth. The Ancient sacrifices himself to form a giant pillar of energy leading up to Talpa's castle.As the Ronin Warriors realize what has happened, Talpa is both angry and amused, as he knows the Ronin Warriors will befighting on his turf now.
Episode 16. Raid on Talpa's Castle
The Ronin Warriors board the energy pillar, leaving White Blaze behind to defend Mia and Yuli. The Warriors are attacked bythe nether spirits, but the energy pillar protects them and destroys the priests. The Ronin Warriors arrive in the Nether Realm andfind that the demon soldiers are more difficult to defeat in their own realm. Meanwhile, Cale, Sekhmet, and Dais are put throughthe lava and energy treatment Anubis had to endure, and find it more difficult. The Ronin Warriors armor up and dispose of thedemon soldiers. The three Dark Warlords arrive, show off their new power, taunt the Ronin Warriors to come inside, and leave.The Ronin Warriors enter the front gates, and are seperated. Sage finds himself in the company of Cale in disguise. Sageidentifies the Dark Warlord, Cale sheds the disguise, and the two lock in combat. Meanwhile, Ryo and Cye find themselves withSekhmet. Cye chooses to fight Sekhmet, and sends Ryo off to find Talpa. Elsewhere, Kento and Rowen fight Dais, hiding in hisillusions. A barrage of arrows from Rowen's bow shows Dais' true location. Kento grapples Dais and instructs Rowen to leave.By that time, Ryo has found Talpa, and is joined by Rowen. Talpa shows them the image of the people of the city in limbo, theirlife being drained from them. Talpa tells Ryo and Rowen that if they don't give up, the people will die. Rowen responds that thepeople, and many more, will die if they do give up, and Talpa attacks. Meanwhile, Kento, Cye, and Sage have been winningtheir battles, and take the fights outside. Anubis senses the Ronin Warriors nearby and is frustrated by his captivity.
Episode 17. The Legend of the Armor
Ryo gets blown out of the castle and returns to Talpa for more, only to be knocked out. White Blaze senses Ryo is in danger,and Mia and Yuli ride White Blaze up the pillar of energy. Above, they are met by demon soldiers. Talpa watches the surprisingamount of power displayed by the Ronin Warriors. He decides it is time that he handle things personally, and the three DarkWarlords allow themselves to be absorbed by Talpa. With the power of the three armors, Talpa becomes solid and grows hands.Meanwhile, Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze have found Ryo and revived him. Sage, Cye, Kento, and Rowen join them, and they aresurrounded by the demon army. The forehead virtues of the Ronin Warriors begin to glow as their powers unite, as doesAnubis'. This does not please Talpa one bit. Anubis realizes he is a Ronin Warrior, and his new allies are in trouble. Hesummons the stength to escape his prison. Meanwhile, Talpa, disturbed by the Ronin Warriors' power, attacks them personally,preventing them from linking completely. Ryo is beaten unconscious by Talpa's giant armored hands, and his armor leaves him.Sage rescues Ryo while the other three Ronin Warriors try to combat Talpa. Mia and Yuli are surrounded by demon soldiers.Talpa defeats Rowen and Cye and absorbs them, growing a torso. Kento is absorbed next, nearly completing Talpa's armor.Anubis saves Mia and Yuli, destroying the demon soldiers. Ryo's and Anubis' forehead virtues glow, and Sage is absorbedtrying to defend Ryo. Anubis and armored-up Ryo fight side-by-side against Talpa, but Anubis is quickly absorbed.
Episode 18. Talpa's Triumph
Alone, Ryo faces the forty-foot Talpa. Ryo battles ineffectively against the colossus, already weakened from previous injuries.Ryo summons his most powerful Flare Up Now, merely scorching the ground Talpa stands on. Momentarily, the spirits of thecaptured Ronin Warriors paralyze Talpa while Ryo creates more distance between himself and Talpa. In response, Talpasummons the sure-kills of Rowen, Sage, Cye, and Kento, all but destroying Ryo. Again the captured Ronin Warriors takecontrol of Talpa, allowing Ryo a chance to destroy him. But Ryo, knowing that if he destroys Talpa he will also kill his friends,refuses, and is absorbed by Talpa.
Episode 19. Wildfire's Fight Against Fate
Once absorbed by Talpa, Ryo finds himself in the company of the Ancient's spirit, who recounts the story of his original battlewith Talpa, how he split up Talpa's armor into nine armors (see section I-1), and that Talpa's ownership of the armors is bothgood and bad. Not only can Talpa control them through the armor, but they can also reach him through the armor. Ryo locateshis four slumbering friends, and as he is about to fall asleep as well, when the Ancient tells Ryo that Talpa underestimates thepower of humanity. At the same time, the Ancient is constantly fading into the form of Talpa, who tells Ryo to give up and joinhis friends. Ryo hears his friends calling for him to fight back, and he finds the strength to escape Talpa, much to Talpa'ssurprise. Ryo calls upon the energy of the other Ronin Warriors, and, for the first time ever, Ryo is armored in the white armorof Inferno. Ryo and the stunned Talpa battle until Ryo conquers the demon lord. As the castle begins to crumble, Mia and Yuliride White Blaze down the energy pillar, and Ryo's armor returns to normal. Ryo passes out from the power, and Kento, Sage,Rowen, and Cye materialize around him. Their armors create protective energy bubbles, and they slowly float down to the city.From a rooftop, the Ronin Warriors and their friends watch as the dark clouds of the Dynasty disappear from the sky.
Episode 20. Ronin vs. Saranbo
Ryo in the Wildfire armor battles against a horde of demon warriors. Talpa appears and begins beating Ryo. Ryo is pinned to aboulder as Talpa's sword races for his head. Suddenly, Ryo wakes up, realizing it was a nightmare. Ryo wonders where he is,as he sees his small crystal ball near the bed, his virtue glowing inside. He looks out the window to see Kento and Cye havingfun outside. Ryo is told he has been sleeping for over a week since they destroyed Talpa. Ryo dresses and wanders around theplace, realizing it was Professor Kochi's house, and now belongs to Mia. High above, one of Talpa's gates forms in the sky,and Sarenbou emerges. Ryo finds Mia, who tells him she has been researching the white armor. Sage and Rowen, drivinghome, are attacked by Sarenbou. They return to Mia's house, beaten, and recruit Kento and Cye to battle their new foe. The fourRonin Warriors are defeated, and Sarenbo sends a challenge to Ryo, saying his friends will die if he does not accept. The fourcaptured warriors discover that Saranbo is a moon demon, able to create a shadow duplicate of himself to fight for him. Thefour Ronin Warriors, in an agonizing energy field, try unsuccessfully to warn Ryo to stay away. As Ryo is unable to beatSarenbo's clone, the four Ronin Warriors painfully and involuntarily give their energy to Ryo, who becomes armed with theInferno armor. Ryo defeats the Sarenbo clone, while the real Sarenbo watches from above. He returns to the Nether Realm toreport what he has learned about the Inferno armor. Mia arrives in time to watch the Inferno armor change back to the Wildfirearmor, and Ryo passes out from the overload of power. The four other Ronin Warriors also pass out.
Episode 21. Ryo's Mega Armor
Underwater, Sarenbo gives a small army of demon soldiers their orders. At Mia's house, all the Ronin Warriors are feelingawful. Mia returns home with groceries, which Kento hungrily tears into. Cye jokingly tells Kento not to eat everything, whileRyo, in a solemn mood, storms out. The four discuss that they are not only worried about Talpa, but about Ryo as well.Outside, Ryo is given another challenge from Sarenbo. Ryo and White Blaze leave without the others knowing. Mia sees Ryoand his tiger running off, and asks the Ronin Warriors why Ryo headed off so quickly. Fearing for Ryo's life, the four rush outto follow their leader. Sarenbo defeats Ryo and begins performing experiments on him. He takes Ryo underwater and affixeshim to a pentagram. Above, the four Ronin Warriors battle demon soldiers. Sarenbo shoots energy into Ryo's left arm,shooting pain into Cye. Sarenbo shoots energy into each of Ryo's arms and legs, making the others double over in pain. A fifthbeam shoots into Ryo's head. Surprisingly, Ryo's forehead virtue glows, and the powers of Ryo's friends join with his, makingthe Inferno armor once more. Ryo destroys Sarenbo, and quickly passes out. Additionally, the Wildfire swords have beencracked from the overload of the Inferno armor.
Episode 22. Saber-Stryke's Deadly Challenge
Lord Saber-Stryke and Black Blaze emerge from a fountain, cursing Talpa. In the woods near Mia's home, Yuli is pretending to beRyo while White Blaze watches. In the house, Mia tries to figure out how to repair the cracked Wildfire swords. As Ryo throwsa fit about the situation, someone comments on his "fiery temper", and Mia realizes that fire will repair the swords. White Blazeleave to have a fierce catfight with Black Blaze. Afterwards, Black Blaze teleports away. The next day, the Ronin Warriors andtheir friends find a cave containing the Soul Swords of Fervor. The Ronin Warriors use the Circle of Power to dissipate themagical shield surrounding the swords, and Ryo takes them. Suddenly, he throws them down, shattering them, declaring themfakes. Saber-Stryke appears holding the real Soul Swords, and tells the Ronin Warriors he is here to challenge Ryo. Ryo andSaber-Stryke clash, as do White Blaze and Black Blaze. Ryo summons the Inferno armor, but his Wildfire swords shatter underthe overload. White Blaze throws himself infront of Ryo to save him from Saber-Stryke's attack. Saber-Stryke puts the Soul Swordsaway and declares that they will postpone the battle in White Blaze's honor. As he and his black tiger leave, White Blazecollapses, leaving Ryo standing.
Episode 23. White Blaze's Sacrifice
Nearby, Saber-Stryke remembers how he was a demon lord until Talpa took over the Nether Realm, forcing him to become one ofTalpa's servants until death. In a nearby cabin, Ryo, Mia, and Yuli care for the injured White Blaze. Ryo blames himself forWhite Blaze getting hurt. Outside, the four other Ronin Warriors decide to defeat Saber-Stryke themselves and give his swords toRyo, knowing from their last battle that the Soul Swords could withstand the power of the Inferno armor. Rowen tells Ryo oftheir decision, and Ryo runs off, feeling worthless. That night, Ryo wakes to find White Blaze missing. White Blaze and BlackBlaze are locked in another vicious catfight. White Blaze grabs one of the Soul Swords carried by Black Blaze, but gets slashedin the neck by Black Blaze's claws in the process. Ryo arrives, and White Blaze gives Ryo the Soul Sword before collapsing.Saber-Stryke appears, telling Ryo that now that they both have one sword of Fervor, they will be evenly matched. If Ryo wins,Saber-Stryke says, he will heal White Blaze. The four other Ronin Warriors arrive, but Ryo tells them to stay out of his fight. Ryobegins to lose, and the Ronin Warriors volunatarily merge their powers with Ryo's, forming the Inferno armor. Ryo conquersSaber-Stryke, and obtains both Soul Swords. Ryo runs over to the dying White Blaze, as Black Blaze nuzzles the dyingSaber-Stryke. Saber-Stryke tells Black Blaze that the Ronin Warriors need him. Saber-Stryke dies, and Black Blaze dissappears with aroar. Suddenly, White Blaze comes back to life, thanks to the spirit of Black Blaze.
Episode 24. Sun Devil: Ambassador of Evil
Near Mt. Fuji, Sun Devil lands and begins watching as Ryo throws his broken Wildfire swords into Fuji's lava. A wave of lavashoots over Ryo, and when it clears, the Wildfire swords are repaired. Mia and Yuli watch with delight. The three drive home,and encounter Sun Devil. The four other Ronin Warriors watch a news report on the television about a strange meteor that landednear Mt. Fuji. They rush to the aid of their friend. Sun Devil traps the Ronin Warriors in his whips, but White Blaze frees them.Sun Devil multiplies, and each Ronin Warrior fights a Sun Devil. White Blaze transforms into Black Blaze and battles Sun Devil.The Ronin Warriors tell Ryo to form the Inferno armor. Ryo doesn't want to leave his friends helpless, but reluctantly suits up inthe white armor. Sun Devil unites into one form again, and Ryo defeats him. With Ryo's finishing blast, one of Talpa's giantgates forms in the sky, Talpa's voice taunting them.
Episode 25. Torrent's Evil Twin
Talpa plans to have the Dark Warlords fight the Ronin Warriors one on one, and bring the Ronin Warriors to him alive so he mayuse their powers. Sekhmet is ordered to collect Cye, and he forms a red-hued clone of Cye from his venom and Talpa's energy.Back home, each Ronin Warrior has a dream in which the Ancient tells them to find the source of their powers. They each gotheir seperate ways, returning to their original hiding places. Cye goes to the whirlpool where he was found, and dives in. Cye isattacked by demon soldiers, who he defeats, but then faces his clone. Realizing his clone's armor is poisoning the water, Cyetakes the battle onto the land. Cye realizes the source of his power isn't an element, it's within himself, and makes short work ofhis clone with a tremendous output of energy. Passing out from the overload of power, Cye is captured by Sekhmet and takeninto the Nether Realm.
Episode 26. The Armor Must Be Destroyed
Sage rests by a spring when he discovers a deer being attacked by a pack of wolves. When Sage drives away the wolves, thedeer runs away from Sage, terrified. Cale is sent to capture Sage. Sage becomes upset that Talpa's previous ownership of hisarmor could have tainted it. Cale attacks, and Sage armors up. Sage holds back his attacks, getting beaten while Cale taunts thatSage is holding back because he knows he should be with the Dynasty. Confused, Sage discards his armor and runs off. WhileSage meditates under a waterfall, Cale freezes the area, solidifying Sage's waterfall and putting the animals nearby in a state ofsuspended animation. Cale taunts Sage until Sage breaks free and calls upon the Halo armor. Sage calls upon new levels ofpower and defeats Cale. Sage realizes that he must destroy his armor, and removes it. He slices the armor in half with his sword.His sword and armor begin glowing, and the armor heals itself. Just as Sage realizes the act he's witnessed can't be evil, Talpasucks him into the Nether Realm.
Episode 27. Sand Blasted
In the Nether Realm, Dais is given his mission of capturing Kento. Dais is granted his request of the assistance of the twin SandStrikers. As Kento enters a construction site, Dais and the Sand Strikers attack. Kento is victorious, and heads out to themoutains, where the fight continues. By tapping into the source of his power, Kento is able to focus in on the Sand Strikers anddestroy them. But when Dais tells Kento that Sage and Cye have been captured, Kento willingly accompanies Dais into theNether Realm.
Episode 28. Lady Kayura and the Dark Realm
Rowen stands in the ocean, meditating. The fires an Arrow Shock Wave into the clouds. Shortly after, a girl's laughter comesfrom the sky. Flower petals fly around Rowen, and he is struck by a bolt of energy. He awakes in the clouds in the presence ofLady Kayura. When Kayura tells Rowen that Kento, Sage, and Cye are being held by the Dynasty, Rowen angrily shoots anarrow at her, and Kayura lets Rowen plummet. At the last second, Rowen's armor creates a protective bubble which carries himsafely to the ground. Nearby, a man with long red hair dressed in the Ancient's clothes watches. In Mt. Fuji, Ryo stands in thelava, Kayura watching him from above. Kayura taunts Ryo, and Ryo jumps up to confront her. Rowen arrives, telling Ryo thatKento, Sage, and Cye have been captured. When Ryo asks Kayura about this, Kayura summons the weapons of Sage and Cye,and vanishes. Once home, Ryo and Rowen argue against each other, yet both seem to be arguing for the same side. Kayuraappears outside and presents to Rowen and Ryo an image of Kento, Sage, and Cye being drained by the nether spirits. Kayuratells the two to give up, but they refuse. Kayura battles Ryo and Rowen, and eventually beats them. She opens a doorway, andas she prepares to take the two into the Nether Realm, the red-haired ancient appears and throws his staff near Ryo and Rowen.The energy from the staff, Ryo, and Rowen merge, and the Inferno armor is formed around Ryo. Ryo destroys the gate, andKayura escapes.
Episode 29. Anubis is Reborn
Near a shrine, the red-haired Ancient, now obviously Anubis, mediates. Kayura appears, and the two battle. As Anubis blocksevery one of Kayura's blows, he tells her that his mission is to carry on the legacy of the Ancient. Kayura, thinking Anubishasn't had time to discover his full power, summons a Star Sword Scream sure-kill at Anubis. Anubis, more powerful thanKayura suspects, blocks the attack and vanishes. At home, Ryo and Rowen again argue, ultimately deciding to lure Talpa'sforces out of their element. In the Nether Realm, Kayura tells Talpa of Anubis' power. Kayura is again sent after Ryo andRowen. In our world, Ryo and Rowen catch sight of Anubis, who they think is the Ancient. Anubis reveals himself to the shockof Ryo and Rowen, and explain that the Ancient chose him to carry on in his place. Anubis tells them that he does not yet havethe power to send them into the Nether Realm, and that they would have to wait for Talpa's move. Ryo and Rowen accept hisfriendship, and Anubis leaves. Ryo, Rowen, Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze leave for the city, and are attacked by Kayura. WhiteBlaze transforms into Black Blaze, and a battle begins. As Kayura powers up her Star Sword Scream, Anubis uses his staff toredirect Kayura's energy into creating an energy pillar into the Nether Realm. Ryo, Rowen, and Black Blaze are taken intoTalpa's dimension, and Kayura, pissed off, returns home.
Episode 30. Talpa Turns the Tide
Mia and Yuli jump all over Anubis for causing Ryo and Rowen to disappear, but Anubis explains himself. Inside, Anubis tellsMia and Yuli about his life before Talpa recruited him. Anubis senses danger, and Dais' presence is revealed. Anubis effortlesslyknocks Dais out, sending his helmet flying off. Anubis tries to convince Dais that Talpa is merely using him for the power of hisarmor, and that Talpa's promises of power and riches have all been lies. Dais listens to everything Anubis has to say, and thenleaves. In the Nether Realm, Ryo, Rowen, and Black Blaze find themselves in a stunningly beautiful landscape, complete withflowers and sparkling streams. After travelling through a gate, Ryo and Rowen are greeted by the nether spirits, who merge intoa single giant face. The priest tells them to enjoy the beauty of the land, and not to fight the tranquility they have found. Ryo andRowen dismiss the priest's offering of peace, and move further. Meanwhile, Talpa taunts the three captured Ronin Warriors.After telling them that resisting him creates more energy for him to use, he siphons their energy and from it forms a large sword,which will be used to combat the remaining two Ronins. Before passing out, Sage calls out to Ryo. Hearing Sage's distant call,Ryo realizes his friends are alive, and he and Rowen are determined to free them. Elsewhere, Kayura presents Dara, a residentdemon under the employ of Talpa, with the sword. Kayura returns to her chamber in Talpa's castle, and her armor disperses.After a second or two of nudity, Kayura is dressed in a kimono. She reports to Talpa that she has done as he requested. Outside,Dara and a very large army of demon soldiers surround Ryo, Rowen, and Black Blaze. As the three attempt to fight against theswarm of opponents, Kayura's chestplate glows, and she sees a vision of Ryo.
Episode 31. Legend of the White Armor
Ryo, Rowen, and Black Blaze fight back against the army in vain. Kento, Sage, and Cye, now overcome with desperation, callout for Ryo. In Talpa's castle, the three Dark Warlords itch for battle. Talpa calls upon his sorceror Badamon, who tells themwhat he has learned about the Inferno armor, and that the Dark Warlords will soon have their purpose. Outside, Dara uses thepower of his sword against Ryo and Rowen, causing pain in the three captured Ronins with each use. Knowing they need thepower of Inferno, Rowen rides away on a horse, leaving Ryo clueless. Ryo continues the battle with Dara as Rowen launches anarrow into the chamber where Kento, Sage, and Cye are being held. The three realize Rowen is nearby, and send the power oftheir armor through the new hole in their prison. Ryo defeats Dara with the Inferno armor and sets out toward the castle on WhiteBlaze. He finds Rowen captured by Demon Soldiers. Ryo frees Rowen, and they set out for the castle. Meanwhile, Badamonsummons magic to use against the Ronin Warriors.
Episode 32. Strategies of the Nether World
Badamon, using the energy of the Nether Spirits, probes into the secret of the Inferno armor and discovers that the Ancient'sstaff was able to form the Inferno armor without all of the armors present. Meanwhile, Ryo and Rowen are lost in the maze ofthe castle walls, trying to avoid the Demon Soldiers. Badamon tells Talpa and Lady Kayura that the Dark Warlords' armors canbe combined with the Wildfire and Strata armors to form the Inferno armor. They plan to contaminate the Inferno armor using theenergies of the Nether Spirits during such a combination. Meanwhile, the Dark Warlords discuss how they have been used byTalpa. Elsewhere, Ryo and Rowen run across Kayura. The Dark Warlords come up behind the two Ronin Warriors, trappingthem. As Kayura releases a magic dust into the air, all but Kayura are knocked unconscious, their armors glowing. The powersof Rowen, Cale, Sekhmet, and Dais merge with Ryo's, forming the Inferno armor. Nether Spirits possess Ryo in hopes oftainting the White Armor. Surprisingly, Kayura is confronted by the three Dark Warlords, their forehead virtues glowing.Kayura wards them off, but Ryo finds the strength to exorcise the Nether Spirits and launch a Rage of Inferno at Kayura. Theblast misses, penetrating the barrier between the Nether Realm and Earth. Talpa is pleased, as this signifies the weakening of thebarrier.
Episode 33. In Search of Secret Treasures
On Earth, Mia, Yuli, and Anubis notice the blast and its effects on the barrier between the worlds. Meanwhile, Ryo, Rowen, andWhite Blaze rest in a cave. Rowen tells Ryo that the Dark Warlords are potential allies, and describes their forehead virtues.Meanwhile, Badamon has the three Dark Warlords taken to be reprogrammed. On Earth, Anubis waits impatiently as Mia tries tosolve the puzzles left by the Ancient. Demon Soldiers attack, and Anubis makes short work of them. Mia tells Anubis that shehas discovered that the third element necessary to defeat Talpa, the Jewel of Life, located, coincidentally, at Jewel Lake.Badamon dispatches Gashura and a small team of Demon Soldiers to stop them from retrieving the artifact. When they arrive atJewel Lake, Anubis parts the waters, allowing them to walk along the lake bottom, where a secret temple is located. After Anubisuses the Ancient's staff like a key to let them enter, they descend into the temple. They pass through a corridor lined with ancientsuits of armor. After the three pass by, the suits' eyes glow blue. In the center of the temple, Mia, Yuli, and Anubis discover theJewel of Life, but are quickly attacked by Gashura and the Demon Soldiers. Gashura takes Mia and Yuli hostage, and Anubis isoutnumbered. They are rescued as the suits of armor come to life and dispose of the Demon Soldiers. Anubis impales Gashurawith the end of his staff, and the armored spirits kneel to him. A voice tells them the spirits had agreed to be bound to the templeto protect the Jewel of Life. Having done well, the spirits are set free by Anubis. Once outside, Anubis gives the Jewel of Life toMia and Yuli.
Episode 34. Strata's Defiant Stand
Home, Mia inspects the jewel, and puts it around Yuli's neck. Outside, Anubis sees Talpa's castle floating above the city, andknows there is not much time left. Talpa's armies continue destroying the city as Talpa watches happily. Badamon tells Talpa thatRyo and Rowen remain free, yet they may be tricked into assisting Talpa's plans. Meanwhile, Rowen, Ryo, and White Blaze areagain in the maze, and are cornered by Demon Soldiers. While attempting to climb the walls, they sink into them and are takenelsewhere. Kayura taunts Kento, Sage, and Cye in their chamber, and leaves to meet Ryo and Rowen, while the Nether Spiritscontinue to drain their powers. On Earth, Anubis is frustrated, and asks the Ancient for help. The staff and the Jewel of Lifeglow, and Anubis realizes what he must do. Ryo, Rowen, and White Blaze try to find their way out of the dungeon when theycome across Kayura. After a short battle, Ryo is tricked into releasing a Flare Up Now. Kayura jumps aside, and a nearbytemple begins absorbing the energy. Ryo, finding he can't stop releasing energy, is saved by Rowen. White Blaze takes theweak Ryo away, and the battle between Rowen and Kayura is taken into the sky. On Earth, Anubis uses the staff and the jewelto transport him, Mia, and Yuli to the Nether Realm. White Blaze has taken Ryo to a boat, and Rowen floats down to join them.Kayura arrives and prepares to take them captive, but is foiled by Anubis. Kayura watches in defeat as the boat sets out fordeeper waters.
Episode 35. The Warriors Return
Ryo and Rowen ask why Mia and Yuli are in the Dark Realm, and Anubis tells them they are vital in the battle against Talpa, andthat they wouldn't be much safer on Earth. Ryo and Rowen leave to confront Kayura, while Demon Soldiers appear on the boat.As the two Ronin Warriors battle Kayura, and the Ancient and White Blaze battle Demon Soldiers, Talpa watches on. Badamoninforms him that the Dark Warlords are nearly finished, as the Nether Spirits brainwash the three. White Blaze, armed with theblade of a scythe, and Anubis defeat the Demon Soldiers, while Rowen is snatched by Demon Soldiers. Underground, the threeother Ronin Warriors are in stasis on a rock in a pool of water. Above ground, Anubis joins the battle and sends Ryo afterRowen. Kayura discovers that Anubis has improved since their last encounter. Mia, Yuli, and White Blaze, going after Ryo,discover that the Jewel of Life can destroy Demon Soldiers. In the castle, Badamon warns that once the Dark Warlords' virtuesmanifest, they cannot be relied upon. Talpa does not appear concerned. In the battle between Anubis and Kayura, Anubis defeatsKayura. As he attempts to deliver the finishing blow with his staff, it begins glowing and stops inches from her head.Elsewhere, Rowen is dropped into a cavern, and is beckoned to the location of the three frozen Ronin Warriors. He throws threearrows at the barriers surrounding his comrades and passes out. Meanwhile, Ryo finds himself confronted by the three DarkWarlords. After Ryo is hit with each of the Dark Warlords' sure-kill moves, Yuli runs up, the Jewel of Life glowing. The DarkWarlords retract in agony as the jewel activates. Kayura arrives, and the unconscious Dark Warlords are teleported away. AsKayura attacks, the water behind Ryo bubbles, and the four Ronin Warriors emerge from gysers.
Episode 36. Cheap Tricks
All five Ronin Warriors face Kayura in the lake-filled cavern. Kayura laughs, and Kento delivers an easily blocked attack. TheDark Warlords, having recovered, arrive. The Ronin Warriors and the Dark Warlords pair off: Cye versus Cale, Ryo versusSekhmet, and Kento versus Dais. Trap doors open, and the three fall, leaving Sage and Rowen to defend Mia and Yuli fromKayura. Sage attacks Kayura, nicking her chest plate. Mia and Yuli are surrounded by Demon Soldiers, and Yuli, acting cocky,fails at activating the Jewel of Life. The three separated Ronin Warriors each fight a Dark Warlord. Above, Anubis races to helpthe Ronin Warriors, still confused because the staff would not strike Kayura. He realizes that she has a link to the staff, and thatshe does not serve Talpa willingly. Anubis figures the chest plate is the key to keeping her under Talpa's spell. As the staffbegins to glow, Anubis senses the Ronins are nearby, and he rescues Ryo from a chamber of Sekhmet's venom. Next, Ryo andAnubis save Kento from Dais. At first, Kento is hostile toward Anubis, but Ryo assures him he is on their side. The three go onto save Cye, who is not particularly shocked that Anubis is has turned good. All four arrive at the cavern, where Sage andRowen are still fighting Kayura. Kento, Rowen, Sage, and Cye release their energy to Ryo, who calls upon the Inferno armorand attacks Kayura. Her chest plate is broken, and she collapses. In a frail, innocent voice, she asks where she is and who sheis. Anubis stops Ryo from killing her, as the Jewel of Life reacts strongly. Before Anubis can restore her memory, she isdragged off by Talpa and Badamon.
Episode 37. Anubis' Armor Revived
In the deserted outskirts of Talpa's castle, the Ronin Warriors are working out, preparing for the battle ahead. Anubis meditatesin a shrine, refusing to go with the Ronin Warriors, as there is still much he must learn of Kayura and the staff. Ryo leaves Miaand Yuli under Anubis' supervision as the Ronins head off for battle. In the castle, Kayura is still in a daze, slowly rememberingher childhood. She grew up in a clan led by the Ancient, their material and spiritual leader. Talpa, who desperately needsKayura, is upset that she has become unreliable. However, Badamon tells Talpa he has a plan. Meanwhile, the Ronin Warriorsbattle Demon Soldiers, complaining that they shouldn't be wasting their energy on this cannon fodder. In the castle, Kayuraremembers her parents were killed by Talpa and Demon Soldiers destroyed their clan. Kayura, as a small girl, was kidnapped byTalpa and turned into his demon priestess. At that time, Badamon uses the power of the Nether Spirits to possess Kayura.Anubis' staff reacts, and Anubis realizes that Kayura is in trouble. Suddenly, the three Dark Warlords attack forcing Anubis,Mia, and Yuli to flee the temple. Anubis faces his former comrades. Meanwhile, the possessed Kayura, with a much deeper andmore sinister voice, rides a giant sphere toward the Ronin Warriors. Anubis sees the sphere, and creates a rift in the earthbetween him and the Dark Warlords, just as the Ancient had done before. Anubis rushes to the aid of the Ronin Warriors too lateto help. Even though the Inferno armor's power had destroyed the sphere, the resulting explosion had knocked the RoninWarriors unconscious. Anubis confronts Kayura, and realizes she is possessed by Badamon. At that moment, the Dark Warlordscatch up with Anubis. Suddenly, the Ancient's staff glows and floats from Anubis' hands, transforming into the helmet ofAnubis' Ronin armor. Anubis sadly puts the helmet on, suiting him up in the Ogre armor. The helmet disappears, and Anubislaunches a Quake with Fear at Kayura.
Episode 38. Lady Evil Sees the Light
The Ronin Warriors, trapped in stasis fields, watch helplessly as Anubis battles Kayura and the Dark Warlords. Five flying boatsmanned by Nether Spirits fly overhead, and capture the Ronin Warriors. As the Ronin Warriors are taken to the castle, Anubistries to explain to the Dark Warlords that Talpa only needs them to inhabit the armors. The Dark Warlords are shaken by Anubis'words, but Kayura encases them in stasis fields and they are drawn into the flying boats. Anubis tries unsuccessfully to freethem, and Dais mentally admits that Anubis was right all along. Kayura attacks Anubis, and ultimately overcomes him. Anubis isdrawn into a boat and taken into a tower in the castle. Each Ronin Warrior and Dark Warlord sits frozen in a chair in their ownchambers. As the Nether Spirits draw energy from the armors, the barrier between the worlds continues to dissolve. Next,Kayura goes after Yuli's Jewel of Life. In his chamber, Anubis painfully lifts his hand and releases his armor, which turns intothe staff. The Nether Spirits are dissolved, and Anubis teleports out to face Kayura, again calling upon the Ogre armor. Kayuralaunches a full-intensity Star Sword Scream at Anubis, but instead of blocking the attack, Anubis leaps into the blast, activatinghis own attack, Quake with Fear. As Kayura and Badamon are stunned, Anubis sends the Ogre armor to Kayura, successfullydriving out Badamon. Anubis collapses into the water below, dead, and the Jewel of Life briefly glows. Kayura, now armedwith both the Ogre armor and the Ancient's staff, tells Mia and Yuli to free the Ronin Warriors while she faces Talpa. Yuli findsRyo, but he and Mia are unable to free him. While Talpa prepares to face Kayura, Demon Soldiers arrive in Ryo's chamber,ready to kill Mia and Yuli. The Jewel of Life glows, freeing the eight wearers of the Ronin armors. However, the two worldscontinue to merge, and Talpa must be destroyed in order to stop the process.
Episode 39. Triumphant Warriors
Ryo is informed of Anubis' death and Kayura's transformations by Mia and Yuli, and rushes off for Talpa's castle. Kayurabattles Talpa, and she is joined by the three Dark Warlords. The Ronin Warriors make their way toward the castle, seeingreflections of Earth in the Nether Realm, and vice-versa. Talpa, confronted by the nine wearers of the Ronin armors, summonsthe spirits of humans to create a bridge between the two worlds. He breathes fire at Kento, who dodges, allowing Ryo to absorbit. Ryo, now stronger, drives Talpa from the castle roof to the moat below. Kayura tells them that Talpa must be destroyed in thehuman world for the barrier to be restored. Talpa ventures into our world, followed by the Ronin Warriors. In the ensuing battle,Badamon is destroyed. Ryo calls upon the Inferno armor, and is seemingly defeated by Talpa. When Talpa attempts to absorbthe Inferno armor, Ryo allows him to take it. However, the goodness taints Talpa, and paralyzes him. As Ryo's voice tells themto hurry and strike while he could still hold Talpa, the four Ronin Warriors tearfully strike out at Talpa, their armor turning toenergy to fuel their attacks. The Jewel of Life glows, slicing Talpa apart with a beam of light. Talpa crumbles and dissolves intosmoke. Talpa's castle in the sky vanishes. Ryo appears, and the Ronin Warriors are delighted to find him still alive. Kayura,dressed in her kimono again and carrying the Ancient's staff, appears with the three Dark Warlords, telling the Ronin Warriorsthat she and the Warlords must remain in the Nether Realm to undo the damage Talpa has caused, and to make sure that Talpanever returns. The Ronin Warriors celebrate by playing baseball with the Jewel of Life taking the form of a sphere of light.